Sunday, November 27, 2016

November Picks

November sucked. But at least there were some good new tunes.

Spotify Playlist:

YouTube Playlist:

Top Picks:
Icon For Hire - You Can't Kill Us
I've highlighted Icon several times already, as this one was released in stages. I'm counting it as new in November because it is all out now. A big step forward for a true spunk classic. Now counting them with the Nashville crowd.

Sixx:A.M. - Prayers for the Blessed
ok weird. I did not expect a project with members of Motley Crue and Guns N' Roses to produce one, let a lone two, of the most interesting records of 2016. But this is some fresh, quality rock'n'roll. The first disc was back in April, "Prayers for the Damned". This one followed in November. Both worth a listen. score +1 for LA

Sleigh Bells - Jessica Rabbit
electro-pop-punk duo from Brooklyn NYC since 2008. A lot of cool songs on this one.

A Tribe Called Quest - We Got It From Here... Thank You 4 Your Service
an old-school hip-hop sound refreshed for today. where else but Queens NYC?

Laura Mvula - The Dreaming Room

Dragonette - Royal Blues
Toronto-based pop-rock.

Shit Present - Misery + Disaster
somewhere near the intersection of Rainer Maria and Bratmobile.  South-Western UK.

Justice - Woman
French electro-rock duo. Thumpin bass and a rave look. more to this album than the average club-ub record. I think they need to work harder at coming up with English names, but the tunes are pure.

Thee Oh Sees - An Odd Entrances
This is the second disc from this group this year. The first - A Weird Exists - appeared back in August. Between the two discs, I'd say they have a solid record here. Some psychedelic shoe gaze from San Fran. Not on Spotify, so I added an older one.

  • The xx
  • Zara Larsson

Oops, I missed it
I'll have to up my game, several nuggets slipped through the cracks.. until now

Forever Still - Tied Down (October)
This one was kicked out by my "sreamo" filter. But after a closer listen, I realize it is a great heavy record.. if only you can tolerate some abrasive vocals at times.

Fit For Rivals - Freak Machine (September)
Not sure how I missed this, except that September was such a busy month musically. This is a definitive spunk band from Jacksonville FL, with one of the year's top records.

Letters From The Fire - Worth the Pain (September)
San Fran Bay area, big voice, heavy edge. another miss in the busy month of September

The Dead Deads - For Your Obliteration (August)
Nashville scene on the rise!

Foxx Bodies (August)

Vodun - Possession (March)
UK based power trio. 

Deep Sea Diver (February)

close but nope:
Metalllica - review here:

Friday, November 25, 2016

Call to All Electoral Voters

Whereas Secretary Clinton has won the majority of the general election by a significant margin (approximately 2 million votes by current count)...

And whereas her opponent has no governing experience relevant to the position...

And whereas the international politics of planet earth are a delicate, nuanced balance of diplomacy. And Clinton has successfully served as Secretary of State handling this precious balance...

And whereas Mr. Trump has shown conduct unbecoming a chief diplomat...

And whereas the fundamental purpose of the Electoral College is to serve as a check and balance against the rise of an unqualified candidate...

Therefore, we, the American People demand that our voices be heard, and that our votes count. We implore the members of the electoral college to exercise their rights under the Constitution, to perform their duty, and affirm the popular vote by electing Secretary Clinton, on December 19, 2016.

Sign the Petition: []

Sources and References:

"that the office of President will never fall to the lot of any man
who is not in an eminent degree endowed with the requisite qualifications"
~Alexander Hamilton The Federalist Papers


Monday, November 21, 2016

New Metallica

Metallica - Hardwired... To Self Destruct

Overall.. a good record, but nothing to write home about.

This new record combines the heavier edge of 80's era Metallica, with the vocal stylings of their post-grunge sound. The riffs are solid and heavy, the songs are long, with a lot to chew on. That said, there is really nothing new here. The tone of the riffs and rhythms picks up some where near the Justice era. I don't hear any stand-out radio smashes like The Black album.

This is a solid record and a good listen. It would pair well with a day of house work, or a work-out at the gym. If you have played out all your old Metallica records and are just hungry for more, this one will meet that need. But if you are interested in hearing guitars make sounds unlike what you have heard before.. you won't find much new ground broken here.

The vocals come across as after-thoughts.. like "we're a band, we sing songs, so here are some more songs" -- not really inspired or passionate. I haven't fully unpacked the lyrics, but I have a similar observation so far lyrically. It has the dark doom I would expect, but ok, what else?

On the plus side, if one is not yet familiar with Metallica, this would be as good a place as any to start. It has the musical themes from their previous records woven together into a new collection of polished songs that play as a microcosm of the band's sound.

If you only listen to 50 new records this year, I wouldn't put this one on the list. If you want something fresh and upbeat, give it a spin.

Friday, November 11, 2016

Slow Down!! The Election Is Not Over .. Quite

Are you wondering what is going on with the electoral college? I was, and I did some time studying and considering. I share below what I found.

Warning: the first few sections are wordy. Feel free to skip to end for "what can I do about it?".

Q: What is the Electoral College?

 A: a group of elected representatives. They are elected by the people of each state, in numbers based on how many House and Senate people each state has (bigger state population - more representatives.)

These representatives - I'll call them super-voters, were elected when you voted. If you voted for Hillary, you actually voted for dem's. If you voted for Trump, you voted for republican super-voters.

They will vote on December 19, in the formal election. What happened in November was the general election.. the pre-game show. Historically, the December election has been a formality. The party who wins the general election will have a majority in the college, and every member will vote for their own party's candidate.  So, in the past, whoever won the general election was effectively guaranteed a win in the college.

So the formal event would not be big television show.. CSPAN at most.. and most people would pay it no mind. Some might not even realize that step in the process existed.

Q: WHY is the electoral College?

A: It was set up to be a safeguard against tyranny of the masses against minorities, to protect smaller states from the big ones.

America has never been a democracy. (shrly you jest sir!) No, and don't call me shrly. It's true, America is a democratic republic. It is NOT majority rule. There are checks and balances and certain right are protected.. even against majority vote.

Historically, one of those checks was the electoral college. It is a nuanced concept, so to better understand it, we need to look at the context of "The Federalist Papers" number 68: the mode of electing the President. Herein Alexander Hamilton explains the reason for the electoral college.

"It was desirable that the sense of the people should operate in the choice of the person to whom so important a trust was to be confided. This end will be answered by committing the right of making it, ... to men chosen by the people for the special purpose..."
"A small number of persons, selected by their fellow-citizens from the general mass, will be most likely to possess the information and discernment requisite to such complicated investigations..."

[This will ensure] "that the office of President will never fall to the lot of any man who is not in an eminent degree endowed with the requisite qualifications. Talents for low intrigue, and the little arts of popularity, may alone suffice to elevate a man to the first honors in a single State; but it will require other talents, and a different kind of merit, to establish him in the esteem and confidence of the whole Union."

So the idea is, that a con artist might be able to persuade one city, or a populated region. But it would not be practical to fool the entire nation without a legitimate set of governing credentials. Hamilton is arguing for a distributed approach to voting, that he believed to be more robust against the rise of a charlatan in a concentrated region. It is debatable whether or not this filter is effective in today's information age. Nonetheless, the point is clear: the electoral college exists to serve as a check and balance against the rise of an unqualified candidate. It was put in place to prevent an unqualified person with charisma from pulling a con on the electorate.

So why talk about it now?

Who cares about this facade that will go on in December? .. Well, two things..

First of all, Hillary won the most votes in the general election.. by a good margin, by about 2 million votes at current count.

Secondly, some members of the republican party have not always been on good terms with their nominee. So it is possible to think that some of them might vote across party lines. I'm not saying it is likely by any stretch of the imagination. But the constitution does allow it. The rules of the electoral college (that is, the process) would allow for that. There are subtleties in the law from state to state on how a super-voter can go rogue, but basically, it could be done. (see references for details by state)

What would have to happen?

At least 21 republican representatives would have to go rogue. I say 21 because you need 270 to have a majority, and he is at about 290 by latest count. So of those 290, 21 would need to defect. And that number could go up because a few states have not been called as I write this. That is not a small number. It's not like 2 or 3 RePubs with a conscience could do it alone. It would need to be a big group. And these representatives are appointed by the party. They are "good ole boys" -- meaning, loyal to the republican party.

But Trump is a wild-card here.

Consider this hypothetical.. suppose Jeb Bush had won the republican nomination (bear with me, just suppose). Then suppose that Jeb won the electoral map by 290:250 spread. Well, the republican party brought Jeb as their best foot forward, and, in this dream world, you can be sure Jeb would have courted them as a proper, traditional republican would, and he would have a good repore with republicans. Because Jeb knows how to play the game on "the man's" terms.

In this scenario, at the general election, 290 republican super-voters are elected, and 250 democrat super-voters. Obviously, all 290 republicans would vote for Jeb. There is no reason to think otherwise. The republicans would support another Bush, just as democrats would support another Clinton. no questions asked.

But the real situation is different. Trump is not a "real" republican.. meaning, he has no historical loyalty to the party and they have not always shown him support. So, what could, theoretically, happen - 21+ of them could go rogue, and vote against their party's nominee, and save the world.  To be clear, this would be a republican representative, a beloved child of the party, a loyal republican.. going off script, and putting HRC.. Hillary The Villiary.. into the White House. And another thing.. ever hear the expression "dance with the one who brung ya"? That's a southern thing, so if you don't get it, let me translate.. it means, if someone hooks you up with a good deal.. be loyal.  Trump got turn-out. Many, many, people came out for him who don't ordinarily vote, and, while they were in the booth, a lot of them went "red". So he "brung them". Now they owe him a debt. They owe him a dance.. an elector super-vote.

And why would they go off script? Would they rather deal with Hillary? I know some have their reservations with this guy, but for people who are anti-Hillary, the sentiment often runs strong. I think we can say for sure that in the case of Jeb Bush they would all have lined up and followed party protocol. ...BUT... in this election... it seems, not out of the realm of possibility, that there would be a grand finale surprise.

The meaning of "irony"

I do not use the word "irony" often.

I don't often use this word because it does not often apply, if used properly. But the quintessential example of irony would be for the electoral college to select - against the general vote of the people - the very candidate it was designed to prevent.

What about the fact that Hillary has already conceded?

This does not appear to matter. I see no indication that the constitution has a clause like "void if conceded."

Can they change the rules after the election?

No. Hillary cannot bend the rules after the game is over. But the rules do allow for this possibility.

What are the odds?

I don't know. I can't know. To me it seems more likely that the actors will follow the script and we will be left with the outcome everyone expects. Perhaps, after that, we may reassess the electoral college process considering the current century, but I would not expect a shake-up that like at this point in the process. But then, I didn't expect this shake-up either.

What can I do?

Raise your voice.

there is a petition you can sign at

you can re-post this article

here is my brief letter to all electoral votes. Boost this signal. Feel free to recopy into other media.

Raise your voice and insist that the electors do their job. If they just rubber-stamp the RePub nominee, they are not doing their job. They must assess credentials. One of the most important functions of POTUS is the handling of sensitive diplomatic affairs with foreign powers. The electors must consider Clinton's successful service in the State Department, and the numerous instances in which Trump has demonstrated conduct unbecoming a chief diplomat. They must consider his lack of relevant governing experience. They must consider the well-being of the Nation, of its allies world-wide, and of the planet's political eco-system.

So should I get my hopes up?

I don't recommend it. Consider this analogy (warning, it's grim). Think of the families of people on a plane that disappears at sea. At some point, everyone realizes those people are lost. But, until the plane is found, there is still this slim ray of hope. It actually helps to find the plane, because then people can have closure. It is possible that what I have described above is just this phantom ray of hope, that will vanish on December 19. I write this, not to get anyone's hopes up only to dash them later, but because we, as a country, should be aware of how our process works. And this is a teachable moment. And because the chance, however slim, is worth the effort to sign a petition and boost a signal.

Sources and References


Federalist Papers:

Fact Check:

More about the Electoral College: